07 February 2013


I had trouble sleeping last night. I was thinking about the following rant I was going to post. It was actually supposed to be much longer, and what I envisioned to be more scathing, but I can no longer be bothered.

There was a primary school boy I'd never seen before at the climbing gym last night.

When I entered the reception area for payment, he took one look at me and announced in a raised voice, 'No people who are from China are allowed at the gym.'

There was a moment of awkward silence before the receptionist says with an embarrassed laugh, 'Ignore him, he is talking nonsense.'

Hearing that, the boy turns to her and queries, 'Does she speak Chinese? That means she is from China. I don't speak Chinese, I'm not from China.'

The people who have been in the position to influence this impressionable young mind have done a lovely job. Well done.