I wonder,
what the message is, when out of the blue, a guy who was single when you first met a few months ago, quite purposefully but very casually informs you that he is no longer single?
Had my unexpected but opportune arrival served its purpose and was now no longer required?
Or was it meant to press the point that today was just the obligatory honouring of a promise made before the battle was won? (And now we can no longer be friends.)
Don't get me wrong - the news doesn't bring a wrenching to the heart. Just a confirmation in the brain of old suspicions, and an old melancholy that's often misunderstood.
Like when I go to the wedding of a friend, a 100% platonic vegetarian lunch buddy, and his bride's friends comment that I look sad. I know what they are thinking, but I can't be bothered to explain.
Like when we are cruising in a sun-roofed car along the cliffs, and the driver reaches over and asks, What's wrong? You look sad.
I never even knew I looked sad, thinking fleeting thoughts about nothing in particular. But I like it.